Pilot overheard=my inner air-hostess rolling eyes because of the ever occurring jokes. But hold the grudge: M4M? I will now need a little break before stepping on that 747 again😉 Thanks for the inspirational thoughts.♥️
I’m crying laughing “yeah….yeah I’ll say something…..uhhh attention to the cabin…” as if you haven’t had our attention for the past 15 minutes LOOOOOLLL
Attention to the cabin this is Captain Adrian speaking, we have arrived at our destination. We hope your flight wasn't too bumpy and that you enjoyed the in flight entertainment. Here at Feralyn Air we know you have a choice and hope to continue servicing you in the future...I mean service....I mean your choice....
so is this the Josh backstory - how you guys meet back in the day before you married then remet and J met wife and then we pick up with fun and games and the A & J love story?
Ok. I'll just keep making up lore on my own
Loved this. Always happy when Josh is around
Okay, but how considerate it is of the cabin to be like, "no, no. They need this. Let 'em finish." 😂
M4M is not normally my thing, but this was delicious!